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Export documents

When the Export Documents rule is executed, an interface is opened that allows the user to export documents to CSV or XLSX files.

On desktop, the rule opens a popup that allows the user to export documents:

On mobile, these options are available on the side pane:

To create an export, the user has to complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the export format (e.g. CSV or XLSX) in the File Type combobox.
  2. Choose whether he/she wants to export the labels or the IDs of a reference field by checking Export the labels of fields.
  3. If allowed by the rule, the user can choose to export fields that are not part of the overview layout by checking Export fields that are not part of the layout.
  4. Click on Ok to start the export.

BizzStream will generate an export file and send a download link to the e-mail address in the user's environment profile.

Note: Only documents on which the bulk action is executed are included in the export file.

Note: BizzStream supports exports up to 500MB.


The rule can be added to:

  • Bulk actions


Property Required Description
Label No A brief description of the rule. This description is visible in the list of rules and meant to distinguish similar rules from each other.
Description No A longer description of the rule. You can use this field to describe the purpose of the rule is.
Allow export of fields that are not part of the layout No This enables the user to choose to export fields that are not part of the layout.