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Creating or modifying a user

This call will allow you to create or update an user. The REST call may only be executed by administrators.





URL parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
environmentId String Yes The ID of the environment.

Header Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
Content-Type String Yes Provide the content type of your call. Only application/json is supported.
X-User-Id String Yes The ID of the user who wants to trigger the REST action. This ID is returned by the authentication call.
X-Auth-Token String Yes The authentication token that the authentication call returned.


A JSON object with information about the user account that is created or updated. The object can contain the following fields:

Field Type Required Description
globalEmailAddress String Yes The global e-mail address of the user.
_environmentId String Yes The ID of the environment to which the user is added to which the user belongs.
name String No The name of the user in the environment. This field is only required creating a new user.
administrator Boolean No Indicates whether the user is an administrator in the environment. This field is required when creating a new user.
active Boolean No Indicates whether the user is active in the environment. This field is required when creating a new user.
language String No The language code that controls the language of the user interface in the environment. This field is required when creating a new user.
locale String No The language code that controls the locale of the user in the environment. This field is required when creating a new user.
menuName String No The name of the menu that are assigned to the user.
menuId String No The ID of the menu that will be assigned to the user.
menuNames String Array No An array with the names of the menus that are assigned to the user. When this parameter is used, the user's menu array is effectively overwritten.
menuIds String Array No An array with the IDs of the menus that are assigned to the user. When this parameter is used, the user's menu array is effectively overwritten.
addMenuNames String Array No An array with the names of the menus that are assigned to user, in addition the the menus that already have been assigned.
addMenuIds String Array No An array with the IDs of the menus that are assigned to user, in addition the the menus that already have been assigned.
removeMenuNames String Array No An array with the names of the menus that are removed from the menus that are accessible for the user.
removeMenuIds String Array No An array with the IDs of the menus that are removed from the menus that are accessible for the user.
memberGroupNames String Array No An array with the names of the groups to which the user belongs. The group name(s) will be used to assign the user to these groups and remove them from the others.
memberGroupIds String Array No An array with the IDs of the groups to which the user belongs. The group IDs will be used to assign the user to these groups and remove them from the others.


Modified or added user. Be aware that restricted content (e.g. including information from other environments and passwords) not be returned.

An example:

curl /api/v1/users
    -H "X-Auth-Token: 6IrqyFhbKjpyJZ_NX6dwLmRNxWk0OVffE8aBfauNKUG" \
    -H "X-User-Id: a6gA9rYaGTFKPrT5P" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
        "globalEmailAddress": "",
        "_environmentId": "maxedy_pizza",
        "name": "Guest",
        "administrator": false,
        "active": true,
        "locale": "en",
        "language": "en",
        "menuName": "maxedyPizzaMenu",
        "memberGroupNames": ["allusers", "guest"]